Dr. Fabian Knoch

Job Title
Head of Platform & Flexibility Trading
be.storaged GmbH

Dr. Fabian Knoch is Head of Platform & Flexibility Trading of be.storaged GmbH, one of the leading companies in Germany for optimization and operations of behind-the-meter battery energy storage systems (BESS). After his PhD in theoretical physics in 2017, he joined be.storaged GmbH to work on the technology required to optimally control BESS based on power grid regulations, energy and ancillary markets.
During the last years, as the market for BESS gained momentum, he served in multiple expert and management positions actively shaping the technology behind today's commercially available products of be.storaged GmbH.
He is convinced that soon behind-the-meter BESS will play a dominant role in energy procurement for C&I companies by lowering the risk of market exposure as well as strengthening their profitability due to a combination of independent use cases.

June 19, 2024Behind-The-Meter Flexibility Trading of Stationary Batteries

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