Offtake and Asset Optimization - A Growing Opportunity in Continental Europe?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
ICM München
Room 5

Battery storage systems are first and foremost a tool in the energy market. Unlike a hammer, they can be used in a variety of ways. In recent years, including at the ees Europe Conference, the use cases for storage have been discussed in detail. Whether battery storage turns out to be a successful tool depends on how it is used. In this session, we will show you how battery storage systems are being optimized, e.g. in virtual power plants, to maximize their return on investment and avoid negative consequences, such as accelerated aging.

02:00 pm - 02:05 pmWelcome & Introduction

Nina Munzke

Team Leader System Control and Analysis

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Electrical Engineering

02:05 pm - 02:20 pmIntegrated Storage Optimization at Commercial & Industrial Sites

Felix Jedamzik

coneva GmbH

02:20 pm - 02:35 pmBehind-The-Meter Flexibility Trading of Stationary Batteries

Dr. Fabian Knoch

Head of Platform & Flexibility Trading

be.storaged GmbH

02:35 pm - 02:50 pmBess Bankability: Is Risk Management a Thing of the Past?

Martin Daronnat

Head of Flexibility Germany


02:50 pm - 03:05 pmMultimarket Optimisation for Flexible Assets

Wolfgang Ridinger

Principal Data Scientist

Entrix GmbH

03:05 pm - 03:30 pmQ&A

Felix Jedamzik, coneva GmbH


Felix Jedamzik leads the sales team Flex at coneva GmbH. As an expert for flexibility markets, Felix is helping utilities and commercial customers to valorize demand response capacities from batteries, EV-chargers and heat pumps on the European energy markets. He passioned about finding multi-use case strategies for commercial and industrial sites in order to optimize the overall energy costs with holistic energy management measures. Prior to coneva, for 8 years Felix has been working as International Business Development Manager at Next Kraftwerke GmbH, a leading Virtual Power Plant operator in Europe.

Martin Daronnat, Engie

Head of Flexibility Germany


Martin Daronnat is currently Head of Flexibility Germany at Engie Global Energy Management et Sales (GEMS). Active since more than 10 years in the energy business, Martin has a strong background in Flexibility and Renewables origination. He has been developing flexibility markets and solutions (VPPs, demand side response, batteries) globally in Europe, Asia and Africa, for companies like E.ON, Vattenfall and Energy Pool. He lead and closed several large PPA transactions with financial and industrial partners on the back of RES assets, both pre and post FID, in the context of assets bids, asset divestments, or portfolio exposure hedging. The GEMS team currently offers flexibility offtake agreements of many sorts (fixed price, floor, VPS, profit share, consulting) towards flexibility assets (internal and external) to allow asset owners to make their assets bankable with the desired level of risks exposure.

Dr. Fabian Knoch, be.storaged GmbH

Head of Platform & Flexibility Trading


Dr. Fabian Knoch is Head of Platform & Flexibility Trading of be.storaged GmbH, one of the leading companies in Germany for optimization and operations of behind-the-meter battery energy storage systems (BESS). After his PhD in theoretical physics in 2017, he joined be.storaged GmbH to work on the technology required to optimally control BESS based on power grid regulations, energy and ancillary markets. During the last years, as the market for BESS gained momentum, he served in multiple expert and management positions actively shaping the technology behind today's commercially available products of be.storaged GmbH. He is convinced that soon behind-the-meter BESS will play a dominant role in energy procurement for C&I companies by lowering the risk of market exposure as well as strengthening their profitability due to a combination of independent use cases.

Wolfgang Ridinger, Entrix GmbH

Principal Data Scientist


Wolfgang is a Principal Data Scientist at Entrix. He works on Entrix's optimization algorithms for flexible energy systems, in particular BESS assets and VPPs in Germany and GB. These algorithms ensure that flexibility is most profitably deployed across wholesale markets and ancillary services every day. He has previously done Economics research on the effect of trading rules in different markets on the efficiency of these markets and has worked in data science in sustainable finance.

Nina Munzke, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Electrical Engineering

Team Leader System Control and Analysis



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