Battery Production: Can Europe Keep Up?

The smarter E Podcast Ep 173 | May 2, 2024 | Language: English

A recent study predicts that the battery storage market will grow from around €20 billion today to around €550 billion annually by 2030. Not surprisingly, it is a market currently dominated by Asia. But of course Europe wants a piece of the action. So how should it position itself in this rapidly evolving market? What are the challenges? And what are the most promising strategies?

In this episode, we talk to Benedikt Rothhagen of the VDMA to find out more.


  • 01:12 Overview how the market is currently divided: What volume are we talking about annually right now? And what role do Europe and the USA currently play?
  • 03:59 VDMA has released a study on battery production in Europe. What are the key findings of this study?
  • 09:12 Asian companies currently dominate the market by offering complete turnkey battery factories. What specific strategies should European companies pursue to remain competitive?
  • 10:12 How important is collaboration within the European industry? Are there already successful collaborations that show how progress can be made through joint efforts?

About The smarter E Podcast

The smarter E podcast is all about the current trends and developments in a renewable, decentralized and digital energy industry. Our moderators Tobias Bücklein and Zackes Brustik welcome and interview personalities who shape our industry and drive developments forward. A new episode is published every Thursday.

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About Benedikt Rothhagen and VDMA Battery Production

Benedikt Rothhagen, VDMA

The association represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of this unique and diverse industry. The Battery Production Department addresses the production technology of batteries of all technologies, with a current focus on lithium-ion technology.

Benedikt Rothhagen is Project Manager of the Battery Production division at the VDMA. He advises the European mechanical and plant engineering industry on the transformation to battery production. In addition to preparing market and research analyses, he is also responsible for managing industry committees, supervising the VDMA Industry Guide web project and managing trade fair participations for VDMA Battery Production. He has been dealing with the challenges of electrified mobility and the technical innovations required for this for more than 7 years. Most recently, he worked for “VDI Wissensforum”, where he organized international conferences on electric and autonomous vehicles.

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