Workshop "Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brines: What are the Requirements of the Li-ion Battery Market?"

Side Event | June 15, 2023 | Hall C3

Along with the decarbonisation of the automotive industry, the demand of lithium has increased significantly over time, due to ist application in lithium-ion batteries.

Currently, the extraction of lithium from geothermal brines is researched in many places within Europe, dealing with different direct lithium extraction methods. However, not only the technical challenges from a geothermal perspective have to be solved, but also the requirements for the end product from the battery market have to be considered.

In this regard, the session aimed to bring together all relevant parties and their interests.

Quick Facts


June 15, 2023

Session Times





Room C33, hall C3


Participation in the event was free of charge. In order to attend, you had to register as a visitor for The smarter E Europe 2023.


Ms Lena Kölbel, Hydrosion GmbH

Phone: 0175 2831471



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